There are a variety of methods for the treatment of scars associated with surgery or some accidents or burns. In the early period some applications try to soften the traces and open their colors with creams or silicone gels. If it is believed to be useful in the late period, surgery called scar revision can be performed. They consist of different applications ranging from permitting removal and re-planting, changing the permissive direction and removing the width and if necessary, transplanting the skin. Scar revisions are not done until one year after injury except in special circumtances. There are many different factors that determine the character of marks. Some of them are dependent on the shape of the event, some of which are traceable to the region. In different regions, traces may be formed in different ways. For example, the eyelid is an extremely positive region because of its depth in the trail, while regions such as back, chest wall and shoulder are more suspectible to traces. The reason for this is that you have more tension due to the structure of the muscles in these regions. In areas that are deeply thin and not exposed to too much stress, the track usually forms better. The definition of a good trace is that it is a thin, has the same color with skin, has no puffiness, causes no scratching and pain. This trace must also be parallel to the existing skin lines or in the areas of the body or face that can be watched. As for bad traces, the definition becomes that they have a color of deep red, itchy, striking, stiff and wide. Generally, all of the scars develop an early redness and a color improvement, a reduction on hardness over time. However, after a period of six months or a year, there is a still red, striking and deeply high trail, it should be thought of as an overhaul.

The exact form is also contributed to the authorization. Smooth cuts are better, but traces that formed by scratched or crushed are poorer or worst. One of the factors that affects traces negatively is exposure to the sun in the early stages of healing. The sun’s rays lead to an increase in the connective tissue and bad wounds. There is also a relationship between age and trace. Often very young children, infants and very old people have better trails due to decreased skin tension, but worse in the developmental period and during adolescence.

Regardless of which surgical method is used, it is impossible to eliminate a trace entirely. However, traces can be made better. It can be stored in some body regions or made less noticeable.

You should not use blood thinners like aspirin for 10 days before the operation. If the patient has significant illnesses and medications that he or she has used in the past, they should be notified to the doctor.

After surgery, the repaired area is closed with special bands and it is requested not to be wet for a while. It may be desirable for you to support the zone with bands even after a few months in the areas where it has been opened to reduce the tissue tension.

In order to reduce the forces coming into the wound, at least the first two days must be rested. If the process applied on the arm or leg, it may be possible to keep these areas especially resting and continue the daily life with other areas.

If it is necessary to remove the stitches, you will be informed on the next day. Removing stitches outside of the trousers can lead to the opening of the wound and bad marks.

The first two days after the operation, pain and tension are normal. It is expected to be a relief after the third day. The increase in pain in the treatment area after the third and fourth day is a condition, that redness and sensitivity should occur and a flow of some dirty color from the area, should warn you. In this case you should consult your doctor immediately. The trace is in worst shape in first 3-4 months after the procedure. Creams that soften the working area can be applied during this period. Also, you should avoid from sunlight during this period. The softening of the view starts after 3-4 months. You are in control during this period. Earlier you may be advised to use creams which will sometimes make your scars better, except for softening creams.

If a surgical procedure is to be performed in order to lose traces, general anesthesia or local anesthesia may be used.

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